
Colon cleansing / detox

Colon Cleansing or detox is the most effective way to heal the body and bring it back to a healthy state. The disease occurs when the body's own healing mechanisms have become weak because of excess toxins due to an unhealthy diet, drug use, polluted environment, stress etc.

The Diet and Disease

When a person consumes meat, fried food, dairy products, salt, sugar, preservatives and on a long period of time, the digestive system becomes clogged and parasites settle. The droppings of these pests are highly toxic to the body, the liver and other organs are forced to face this charge negativity, and eventually become themselves weak and rotten. It was then that diseases are so common in the Western world today, such as cancer, bowel disease, heart disease, insomnia, constipation, diabetes, irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn's disease, acne and more are beginning to take root.Therefore, if the individual does not reverse the situation and does not give his body a chance to detoxify the situation may get worse.
"The heavy mucus coating in the colon thickens and becomes a host of putrefaction. Blood capillaries begin to pick up the toxins, poisons and harmful debris seeping through the wall of the intestine. All tissues and organs of the body are now taking toxic substances. This is the beginning of the real poisoning at a physical level. " 

The Remedy

By achieving a good colon cleansing, the body gets a chance to detoxify itself by removing the accumulation of toxins and parasites, restoring digestive regularity and strength, and stimulating and nourishing the organs.
It is extremely important to keep the intestines clean, a fact that humans have learned over thousands of years, as can be seen in this excerpt from the Bible
"Fasting is a normal part of our walk with God as exemplified by our Lord Jesus. Immediately following the Lord's prayer, he said: Moreover you fast, do not give gloomily, that your fasting is known, not of men, but to thy Father which is in secret; And the Father will reward you openly. " 

Detoxification in Nature

animals also instinctively understand the importance of fast and clean, as it was seen as wild animals who become ill will regularly stop eating and resting near a river, consuming only water. It was also noted that some animals travel great distances to eat certain kinds of pure clay, the same type of volcanic clay that we use in our Organic Detox Colon Cleaning .
These two patterns observed in wild animals are acts of detoxification, the ultimate cure for the disease.

Clay Healer

By using this special clay, it enters the digestive system and binds toxic, mucoid plaque and parasites. It is also highly antibacterial and antiviral. When the clay becomes hydrated it gets an electrical charge that acts as a magnet for positively charged particles (toxins) in the body. It really is a miracle of nature that the clay acquires this charge, which is the exact opposite of toxins, thus absorbing and remove the safety body. Our Toxin Remover powder contains a high proportion of bentonite clay, undermined the purest locations in the world. It is cleverly mixed with psyllium and organic ginger, to act like a broom in your colon. Clay is also extremely porous, a teaspoon containing 200 square meters of absorbent surface.

Special Herbs

Another crucial part of our Organic Cleaning the Colon are the herbs Digest Power capsules. These capsules contain 15 organic herbs that have been blended using our secret formula, which is the result of years of research and testing by our founder and our herbalists.
The herbs in the formula work in countless ways ways on the body to stimulate, cleanse and heal the colon and other organs. After taking Digest Power, the first thing a person notices is that the colon begins to work as it should. The intestine is stimulated gently begins to clean itself, and the whole body into a state of "release" of toxins and negativity. Most people report that their experience cleaning as feeling lighter, with minimal hungry, even with a reduced food intake.


The colonic irrigation does it risky?


Canadians increasingly use colonic irrigation despite its cost up to $ 100 per treatment. They are seeking relief from chronic constipation and other digestive problems such as gas and bloating, but also a general feeling of cleanliness , believing that this process should ensure the health of their colon .Moreover, a long list of stars including Madonna and Jennifer Aniston , had only praise for this therapy.
However, no medical testimony to support any benefit of colonic irrigation (also called colon hydrotherapy) health . "The vast majority of health professionals do not support, for any reason whatsoever, colon hydrotherapy," says Dr. David Armstrong, a gastroenterologist and associate professor at the Faculty of Medicine at McMaster University . According to him, the process can be extremely painful. There is risk of loss of electrolytes and consequently suffer from seizures and fainting; people with a history of heart disease or kidney disease and those taking drugs against hypertension even run the risk of dying.
Most colon irrigation clinical examine the risks of new customers in this regard, adding hemorrhoids and anal fissures, and ask them to sign a legal disclaimer. However, many patients still accept to submit to treatment.

Why we choose colonic irrigation

Lisa Keith, specializing in colon hydrotherapy, opened in Vancouver three years ago a clinic called Inside-Out Wellness . "The colonic irrigation is much known for a few years, she said. I hear people say that they are now subject to a course of purification and not to a diet as before . However, colonic irrigation is part of such a cure. "At least half of its customers has already submitted to this treatment, while most people who consult seeking remedy against constipation . Although Lisa Keith recognizes that colonic irrigation does not lose weight permanently, it noted that many of his clients hope to release gas and bloating and feel more "light". " It is a complete mind-body relationship , "she believes.
Since opening in Toronto in June 2010, Colon Hydro Care attracted 300 customers 60% women and 40% men, according Marleta Roe, co-owner and graduated in colon hydrotherapy. " Constipation, fatigue and irritable bowel syndrome are the three main reasons why people come to us . "
On the same subject
  • 7 ways to resolve constipation
  • How to preserve the health of your colon
  • Can colon cleansing improve health?
The concerns of certain health professionals regarding this craze especially like to one factor: although hydrotherapists can obtain training and qualification, the industry is self-regulating - anyone can display his badge and practice . Health Canada approved the equipment used; However, no one ensures that therapists faithfully follow the manufacturers recommendations regarding, for example, cleaning and sterilization of reusable equipment. "The risk of infection [from colonic irrigations] are rare if we submit to adequate cleansing and sterilization, but it remains that this intervention can cause problems," notes Dr. David Armstrong.

How colonic irrigation

The colon is the most important portion of the intestine (flat, it measures about 1.5 meters or five feet long) and it's the last place through which the bolus before being evacuated through the rectum . The colon's function is to extract water, salt and potassium feces before their expulsion. (The small intestine, placed in the center of the abdomen, is to assimilate nutrients from food. ) According to Dr. Gabor Kandel, gastroenterologist and associate professor of medicine at the University of Toronto , irrigation affects only the lower colon. " Although there is no conclusive scientific documentation that stool retention causes serious problems or life-threatening to a patient, it can make her life very unpleasant , "he explains. It does not give much for its adherence to colonic irrigations, yet recognizes that many people with chronic constipation to find relief (to the extent that they correct their diet). It recommends that they talk to their doctor before undergoing. solid food Applicants are asked not to eat immediately before the exam: it is the only constraint. Irrigation is done in closed or open system. In both cases, a cannula connected to the tubes is inserted to a depth of about 2.5 cm (one inch) into the rectum; filtered water fills the colon; normal peristalsis of the body (or contraction waves pushing the material out of the rectum) and the person is evacuated feces and water . The session lasts 40 to 60 minutes.Depending on the person's condition, it may take several sessions a few days apart.Closed system : In older models, less expensive, the person is on its side. The therapist inserts into the rectum a cannula (about 2.5 cm or 1 inch of width) connected to two tubes. It controls the amount of water (at most two to three inches square), which, through a tube, into the colon, sometimes massaging the abdomen. When the evacuation begins, the liquid exits through the other tube that empties into a vase sewer, unless the patient has to rush to the toilet. Open System : In newer models, the patient sits on a device equipped with a toilet. It introduces the cannula (the size of a pencil) into the rectum and adjusts the amount of water which enters the colon (the pressure is limited to a square inch by the machine). It then expels water by adjusting its evacuation on the peristalsis of the colon; water and feces passing through the cannula.


Can colon cleansing improve health?

Question: Can colon cleansing improve health? "Absolutely not," says Dr. Khursheed Jeejeebhoy, gastroenterologist and professor emeritus at the University of Toronto. There is no evidence to suggest that colon would house abundant waste that needs to be eliminated using certain products, most of which are ingested. On a website, is prevented that could be up to 11 pounds of feces in the colon. However, the human body is quite effective in eliminating waste. The proposed programs usually include herbs, enzymes, herbal laxatives and enemas; we promise you to get rid of your toxic wastes and extra pounds. But there is no credible study showing that such practices improve health. Moreover, according Khursheed Jeejeebhoy: "if you are using frequently, it could be dangerous. " The risks of these products are of various kinds. First, the repeated use of laxatives can have the effect of making the lazy colon permanently and lead to long-term constipation. Then the colon is home to colonies of bacteria whose activity lowers cholesterol; eliminating, cleaning may contribute to the elevation of cholesterol. In addition, this type of treatment can lead to dehydration and an imbalance of metabolites. Finally, the plants of these kits are not regulated by the government and could be toxic. Moreover, colon cleansing does not help to lose weight long term. "You could lose the moment, but you will take the" warns Khursheed Jeejeebhoy.


Cleanse the colon with only 2 ingredients

For 70 years, our colon treats 100 tons of food and 40,000 liters of liquid, which leads to the conclusion that there may be up to 7 pounds of fecal matter and toxic waste that can accumulate in the intestines .dropoff window They contaminate our blood and cause irreparable damage to the body.

Frequent constipation, disturbed metabolism, diabetes, excessive or insufficient weight gain, kidney disease or liver disease, vision problems and hearing, skin problems, hair and nails as well as other diseases ranging from arthritis to cancer are some of the signs that your intestines and your colon is not clean.


inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract

colitis, gastric ulcer and duodenal

urinary tract diseases, infections, cystitis, pyelonephritis

excessive body weight, lipid metabolism disorders

Cure recipe to clean your colon:

In place of breakfast drink this mixture for 3 weeks:

Week 1: 1 tablespoon of flax seed meal and 100 ml of kefir

Week 2: 2 tablespoons of flax seed meal and 100 ml of kefir

Week 3: 3 tablespoons of flaxseed flour and 150 ml of kefir

If flax meal is not available in your local store, buy flax seeds and grind finely. Never prepare over the coming days, because the seeds can become rancid.Every morning, prepare a new portion.

Consume this mixture in place of breakfast. Drink at least 2 liters of water a day. The best results are obtained if you drink water with honey.

This colon cleansing procedure can be repeated once a year.

Enema or enema can not clean a small part of the colon (40 to 50 centimeters), and treatment with special equipment is expensive, time consuming and it affects the intestinal flora.

Consume 1-3 tablespoons of flax seed meal for three weeks can completely clean your intestines and your colon, mucus and deposits of feces or parasites, while fully preserving the intestinal flora!

This method allows a rapid normalization of weight and burning fat. It has a positive effect on the regulation of lipid metabolism. Flax seed meal can absorb and remove toxins from the body and reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood.

How to clean the colon naturally

Untitled Document

The colon, also called the large intestine, is located at the end of the digestive system . Its function is to evacuate stool, but it also has a link to our immune system.

To prevent diseases of the colon (colorectal cancer, polyps, colitis , diverticulitis, irritable bowel ...) and many others can be derived, we present the healthiest foods to cleanse the colon.

Foods rich in fiber

If asked to name healthy foods to our gut, the first thing that comes to mind are the fibers . Not only is it important to avoid refined foods, but you should choose foods that naturally contain not after industrial addition. Today, for example, the full bread is usually not made ​​with whole wheat flour but with white flour to which the sound is then added. This is why it is best to always choose foods containing fiber and less processed as possible.

We find fiber in plant foods:

  • Fresh fruit
  • Dried fruit
  • Vegetables
  • Legumes
  • Whole grains bread, grains (rice, millet , quinoa, wheat) and pasta


When you increase your intake of fiber in our diet, it is important to also increase your water intake between meals since constipation could watch you because of a lack of fluids. 
Drink 6-10 glasses a day. The amount of water you need depends on your age, your physical activity and the outside temperature. Certain renal diseases and congestive heart failure must also be taken into account. In this case, it is recommended that you consult your doctor.


Studies have shown that calcium reduces the risk of colon and rectal cancer. For the same reasons mentioned above, you rather interested to foods that contain naturally, for better assimilation and avoid those with added calcium . You can find it in the following foods:

  • Sesame (in seed, tahini, oil, Gomashio)
  • green vegetables (spinach, chard, broccoli ...)
  • salmon
  • sardines
  • almonds (tapered, milk)

Vitamin D

Whenever we talk of calcium, we faison also refers to vitamin D because it is essential for proper assimilation. In addition, it can also prevent cancer of the colon and rectum.


The body produces vitamin D when the skin is exposed to direct sunlight. This is why it is often called vitamin D the sunshine vitamin. We can take a quick bath sun at the beginning and end of the day. 
There is also foods that naturally contain vitamin:

  • salmon
  • mackerel
  • sardines
  • eggs

If you live in a little sunny area throughout the year, you can take dietary supplement for a certain period.

Folic acid

Folic acid , or vitamin B9, helps the body to create new cells and, in addition to many other properties and to be essential during pregnancy reduces the risk of suffering from colon cancer. We can find it in:

  • greens (chard, broccoli , spinach)
  • asparagus
  • peas
  • the lenses
  • the chickpeas
  • Strawberry
  • orange
  • papaya


This mineral is used to treat digestive problems related to the bowel, such as irritable bowel syndrome, and it also helps to reduce the risk of cancer. The ideal is to eat foods rich in magnesium each day:

  • cocoa
  • pumpkin seeds and pumpkin
  • linseed
  • sunflower
  • almonds
  • cashew nut
  • Brazil nuts
  • white beans
  • peas
  • greens

You can also take supplements to basic  magnesium chloride or magnesium citrate for two or three months.

Beware of processed red meat

You should know that certain foods are not favorable to our intestinal well-being: in fact, they generate putrefaction that settle in the intestine and can be toxic over time. This is the case of processed red meat. It is best to turn to organic poultry meat to fish, eggs, vegetables, etc. These foods provide protein and energy to our organization.

Beware of dairy products

If you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome, you should avoid, in addition to red meat, milk and its derivatives. You can try it for a month and then reintroduce them into your diet. If you do not tolerate well, your body will react immediately. 
You can also drink vegetable drinks during this period.

The kuzu, intestinal regulator

The kudzu or kuzu comes from a root with fabulous regenerative and regulatory properties for our colon . How to eat? Mix one tablespoon of ground kuzu in a glass of cold water, avoiding the use of a metal spoon (use a wooden spoon or porcelain). Then pour the liquid into a saucepan and boil, stirring constantly. After a few minutes over low heat, you will see that the texture and color of the fluid changed, the latter becoming transparent and thick. You can turn off the heat and let cool. You can drink this drink between meals once or twice a day until notice an improvement in your bowel movements.